Friday, September 23, 2011

Just Getting Started

Hello I'm gonna try this whole blogging thing out. I'm not sure how many people will follow I'm hoping to get use to this. Most of my blogs will be following my progress on my 55 Chevy pickup, that I am rebuilding. I might also throw a few conversations out that may be about more philisophical things, or just random thoughts that I have. I'm actually thinking of deleting my facebook if this goes well. Facebook is just getting too complicated and does way more crap than I care to spend time doing online. I heard they are switching things up and gonna make everyones profile into a timeline type thing. That just opens up way more facebook stalking than I'm really interested in. All that I mostly did on facebook anyway was share pics of my truck. I think I might find more people who are interested specifically to that topic if i started blogging.