Saturday, December 22, 2012

The only disability in life is a bad attitude. ~Scott Hamilton

So I need to do a little up to dating on Iroh. Iroh currently is hibernating. He is in a storage shed as I have no money or space to work on him over the winter. My dad's Chevelle got to move back home for the winter. However, before parking Iroh we got the brakes plumed  the frame pulled, fuel cell hung and even started the engine again. Starting the engine again did require removing the intake and having it machined. That took care of the vacuum leak and she ran beautifully. I'll get the new video embedded or a link to it. I'll also put up some photos of the recent up dates to it.
I did have a scary moment when I was taking Iroh to school to put on the frame rack. She tried to jump off the trailer. I'll put up a pic of her hanging off the back of the trailer. So lucky she didn't fall she held on by a thread and lucky she is light enough my friend Connor, my brother and I were able to lift her back on.

Fuel Cell mounted with custom made straps (cheaper then buying them)
 Iroh at school after frame pull
 Iroh hanging off the trailer on the way to school.

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