Sunday, October 9, 2011

6 Cylinders, 2 Flats, No Brakes

Standing in my driveway looking at my dream truck, seeing the potential but also all the work to be done. I started with cleaning the interior out. As It was full of parts, three dead mice,(some farther gone than others) and a bucket of coal for some reason. I found only 3 hubcaps, and that is often how it goes. The seat, even though I had a new seat cover in a box somewhere for it, was completely rusted out. There was no sense in keeping it so that got tossed. However there was good news to be found in the cab. The floor, like most of the truck was solid, and the only thing missing from the dash was one of the knobs from the heater controls. 
The engine was the original 235 straight six, originally putting out a massive 109 horsepower. Don had told me that he had it running. I thought about putting the trans back in it to drive it around as I worked on it, but decided against putting the money into it to do that. Since besides the engine it needed brakes on all 4 corners too. I sold the engine as I had decided an engine compartment as vast as this needed something bigger, eventually big block Chevy power.  
I spent the summer of 2010 pulling wiring, and wire brushing the frame. The frame and the inner fenders I coated in Rust Converter. I put the bed together with enough bolts to keep it together on the frame, but so it is still easy enough to remove. My uncle even donated two tires to replace the flats I had on the back. As winter approached I was not going to be able to keep the truck just sitting in the driveway. I didn't want it sitting in the snow anyway. Much of the work was put on pause, as Iroh was moved to a shed for the winter. Over the winter I did go about acquiring different parts that I could later use. Including a car from my cousin that was gonna make a good donor for a temporary engine, though all that work would have to wait for the spring.

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